
Choose and Book

What is Choose and Book?

Choose and book is a service that lets you choose the hospital or Clinic you wish to attend for your first appointment. It also gives you the choice of date and time that is convenient for you to fit in with your day to day life.

For more information and access the choose and book service, see the Choose and Book website.

How Choose and Book Works

When you and your GP agree that you need an appointment with a specialist, Choose and Book shows your GP which hospitals or clinics are available for your treatment.

Once you have received your paperwork you can then decide how you wish to book your appointment; this can be via the telephone, using a national number on the letter or via the internet.  Please note that whilst the vast majority of appointments can be booked this way, in some cases you will need to telephone your chosen hospital directly to make your appointment.  This is because the hospital appointments system does not link to Choose and Book.

Can I Book all my Appointments through Choose And Book?

When you and your GP agree that you need an appointment with a specialist, you can book your FIRST hospital or clinic appointment using Choose and book.  Any follow up appointments are arranged by the hospital themselves.

Hospital Appointments

If a patient has a query regarding an appointment made then the patient should contact that hospital direct. You can usually find their direct contact number on your clinic letter on the top right. Or you can ring the hospital directly as ask the switch board to transfer you to the appropriate consultant secretary.

Here are some useful hospital numbers:

  • Information coming soon

If you have a query with regards to booking an appointment through the Choose and Book system they can phone the Choose and Book number which you will have on the paperwork you received through the post. If you still have a problem you can speak to the Practice Secretary directly or ask the practice online.