Kensington Park Medical Centre is an accredited Safe Surgery
In recognition of the barriers to healthcare access faced by people in vulnerable circumstances, including migrants, we commit to protecting the human right to health. Registration at the Practice is simple and easy.
Our practice offers a welcoming space for everyone who seeks to use our services.
Patient registration does not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status or any other characteristic.
We ensure that a lack of immigration status or language do not prevent patient registration – further info.
How to Register
We are currently accepting new patients.
To register with our practice please use the Practice Area postcode checker below to make sure your address is within our catchment area.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to register patients who live outside our catchment area.
Catchment Area
If you have never registered with a GP in the UK before you will need to satisfy the eligibility requirements as determined by the Department of Health – see
To register with our practice please complete the relevant form below:
Overseas Visitors
If your country has a healthcare agreement with the UK you may not have to pay. Please visit NHS Choices for more information.
New Patient Prescriptions
Welcome to Kensington Park Medical Centre, if you normally receive regular repeat medication from your previous doctor you will need to make an appointment to be seen by your new GP so that your medication can be reviewed and, if necessary, amended to comply with our own regulations, policies and practice formulary. Please ensure you obtain a sufficient supply of your medication from your previous doctor to allow you time to make an appointment with one of our GPs.
When seeing your new GP please let him/her know about your current medication by:
- Giving us a copy of your previous repeat prescription slip
- Giving us a copy of your medication label on your medication box/bottle which has your name, medication dosage and date.
Giving us any correspondence from your previous doctor about your medication and the reason for its use. This is especially important for those patients who have arrived from abroad and are now registering with an NHS GP.
Please look at the repeat prescribing page for further details of our policy.
Prescription Costs
Visit NHS Choices for information on:
- Prescription charges
- Who is entitled for free prescriptions
- Medical exemptions (certain diseases will exempt you from paying for your prescription)
- Free prescriptions for cancer patients, renal dialysis patients and pregnant women
- Help for those on low income
Private Prescriptions
Private prescriptions are medication which your private Doctor has recommended for you on a private prescription. A private prescription is not written on an official NHS prescription and so is not paid for by the NHS. The cost of a private prescription is met wholly by the patient and is dictated by the cost of the medicine plus the pharmacists charge for supplying it. A prescription is a legal document for which the doctor, who has issued and signed it, is responsible for. Therefore, a NHS doctor cannot convert a private prescription to an NHS prescription. A doctor you see privately can’t issue an NHS prescription.
A GP in the surgery at which you are registered can only provide a private prescription if the drug is not available on the NHS.